So basically, let's put it like this. Did anyone tried to get this badge? So, I've done the math to see if it's possible.
So, it says:
Edit and answer 500 questions (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0)
That's 720 minutes. Which means that to get this done, you need to post 1 answer in 1.44 minutes or else you'll fail in getting it. That means that I need to read a question and write a good answer in that small period of time.
So, I'm done with some projects that I had, day job is day job, and I was thinking to get one day off from everything and try to do this. Just to see if it's possible.
I'd go through unanswered questions, and try to answer as much as I can in 12 hours.
But, I'm interested in approach, because I don't like to give small one lined answers, but rather detailed answers, so my question for you all is...
Did anyone tried to do this action? What approach would you have for getting that badge?