Yesterday, a whole slew of new questions began to appear from users with a reputation of 1 and as @w3dk pointed out, were registered 4 days ago (now 5). @dan made the first attempt to clean-up the mess by removing all the questions that were submitted by a single IP address and using any criteria such as searching to see if the question was posted somewhere else on the net. I did a quick look and some of the questions submitted at the time remain. I am not being critical. Coming in after the fact, I cannot imagine what else could have been done quickly while trying to remain fair to honest OPs. However, just a few minutes ago, it all began again.
I assume the pay-off for the spam messages are eventual links to the spammers site be they in the question, an answer, the profiles, or even in comments to gain reputation for their site.
I have to admit, this p[***]es me off. It is damaging to the site and blocks fair questions from honest OPs with a need from having their question seen or answered. Too many good people have worked here to make this site useful for others by sharing their expertise and ideas. The SE suite of sites have helped me solve problems. There is no better resource for people to get help anywhere especially when in a bind.
To that end.
Is it possible to go back and see what accounts were created at the time and disable them? It might get one or two innocent people, however, this may still be the better option. Or is there something else that can be done.
I am just concerned and curious if there is a good solution for such an attack.