This question was put on hold, and is definitely on topic for a webmasters forum.
"I'm a college student and have a practice job (internship) helping a small department on my campus maintain its website. I am using Adobe Experience Manager (CQ). There are about 12 employees with different jobs. Some give lectures, some are lab technicians, and some just write papers.
I need to get content (fill out a news section, calendar etc.) and I wanted to know where to go to learn the best and most frequently practiced strategies that webmasters use to obtain all of this information, without pestering everyone on a tri-weekly basis, like, "What are you up to?" and then frantically writing it down, telling them to send me PDFs/word documents etc. and then adding that to the page.
I wish there was some online community of experienced webmasters who could answer this question; a question that can only be answered by someone with experience as a webmaster."
Can someone tell me why this is completely unrelated to webmastering and more related to business, by Mr. Conde