Christofian Christofian answered: There was a discussion about this on the meta, but I feel that my answer could use some updating. One of the things noticed in that discussion was that there are a lot of good questions on stack overflow and other sites that might be a better fit over here. As a moderator I can use the extra influence that comes with that position to get some of those questions migrated over here.
I think we need to get more interesting questions asked here. It's OK to answer your question, so hopefully that will encoradge more people to do that. I posted more about this on the meta, and while I haven't been asking any questions lately, I'm going to start doing so when I get back from vacation. It would be great if I could get 10 people committed to doing this: I think it would help out with the activity level a lot, and we would all learn a lot of new things.
Also, it would be great if more people would visit the chat. Getting a better sense of a community would be a great first step, and would help us coordinate any further efforts to make this site more active.
In addition, we might want to make sure that we are welcoming to newcomers. See here: We wont gain activity if we push away new members.
However, there is only so much that a moderator can do. There is no magic button that I (or any mod) can press to make activity happen. This will require everyone’s involvement. Again, if we can get more people on the chat, it would be a great first step to coordinating an effort to make this site more active.
Aurelio De Rosa Aurelio De Rosa answered: The first thing that came to mind is this: Until few months ago Stackoverflow, that we all know is the most used website of the stackexchange network, has Webmaster as one of the options you can choose when you flag a question as off-topic. Now Webmaster is no more available, so people have to use the generic off-topic. I think that restoring the option could be worth for this website since a lot of users post questions about SEO, SEM and similar topics on Stackoverflow and having a direct option could let the discussions migrate easier. Other things that surely will help, but this is somehow reinventing the wheel, is to have more ads, mainly on Stackoverflow but also on other website, to let people discover Webmaster.
paulmorriss paulmorriss answered: I think Christofian's idea of a blog (suggested a few months ago on meta) would help attract more people to the site. I'm disappointed in how many questions are left unanswered, so we could do with more people with a variety of expertise. However a blog needs a small group of people who can write regular posts. So it's a chicken and egg situation.
paulmorriss paulmorriss continued: I think the key thing is to turn those looking for answer into those who give answers. I don't think we need a lot of daily activity, but we need quality questions and answers so that people value the site.