I realize that Russia hacked e-mail that stole the election from Hillary [humor]... that is depending upon who you listen to... but it seems that Goyllo has discovered something that should be considered as a potential problem SE wide. If it can happen once, where else can it happen?
From: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/34044520#34044520
Here is what he is talking about.
I have been accused of many things, however, being a Russian commie is not one of them!
[My apologies to my Russian friends.]
My point is this, this could be a simple glitch with Google, I somehow doubt it because Google has never made a mistake, it is more likely an error with SE. Something that the SE folks may want to look into.
Cudos Goyllo!!
operator with Russian in it ongoogle.com
. Good eye Goyllo! I don't think we have any need to worry about hacking here, we don't really have anything to hide - just the opposite. But if someone's rep jumps 10K points overnight, or they're listed as "President"…let us know.