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6 votes

Why is this question still featured?

A question appears on the "featured list" for 7 days from when the bounty is added to the question, regardless of when the bounty is actually awarded. The bounty can be manually awarded at any time ...
DocRoot's user avatar
  • 4,297
5 votes

Can I please have the bounty back?

From: How does the bounty system work? What happens if there's no answer after the bounty period? If after the end of the bounty period a question has no answers, no bounty will be awarded ...
closetnoc's user avatar
  • 32.9k
4 votes

I have add a bounty, then answered myself, no one else answered? what to do?

As stated on What is a bounty? help center, generally the bounty is non-refundable. It is funded by the personal reputation of the user who offers it, and is non-refundable. All bounties are paid ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
  • 103
4 votes

I have add a bounty, then answered myself, no one else answered? what to do?

To close out this discussion question as completed, I'm copying my comments here as an answer: According to what is a bounty: To avoid overly promotional bounties, if you are offering a bounty on a ...
dan's user avatar
  • 15.1k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible