I'm here to make a case that my question [What is missing in my SEO checklist for new websites?](http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/84701/what-is-missing-in-my-seo-checklist-for-new-websites) is **not** a duplicate of [What are the best ways to increase a site's position in Google?](http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/2/what-are-the-best-ways-to-increase-a-sites-position-in-google). While the latter is a generic catch-all question regarding general SEO-strategies, my question has a very spefific (and much smaller) scope. Also, among the answers, there is no answer that applies to the questions I asked. If my question is a duplicate of this generic question, then by that definition *every* question tagges [tag:seo] on this site would be a duplicate of that one question, as it is basically 'tell me everything I need to know about SEO'. I edited my question to reflect upon that difference, I hope that you find my request reasonable.