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9 votes
2 answers

Do we need a new close reason for legal questions?

I was tempted to ask the following question: When doing a parody of a registered trademark, how can you ensure its a parody? Wisdom got the better of me, I remembered that I have a lawyer in ...
Tim Post's user avatar
  • 6,556
5 votes
3 answers

State of the questions 2012 (and what we can do to improve)

If you look at our new questions page, you might notice a few things. There are very few high rep users asking questions. There are quite a few questions that are either closed or migrated. In ...
user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

What is the line between a "pro webmaster" question and a...well, not "pro webmaster" question?

For example, I own a domain name and I'm working on getting content. But I'm trying to choose between building and deploying custom software (I'm a software engineer by education), what off-the-shelf ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Web development question migrated to StackOverflow

So I had asked this question, not a particularly great question but certainly about web design/development. Now that it has been migritad to SO, I am left wondering why? What is it that I'm not ...
That Realtor Programmer Guy's user avatar