Issue: More than half of the "question" titles listed on the homepage are non-specific descriptions rather than actual questions - can be verified with the following jQuery snippet:
Long form for use in browser Javascript console:
var questions=$('a.question-hyperlink');
var countPunctuated=0;
var str = $(this).html();
if ( str.indexOf('?') > 0 )
alert(countPunctuated + ' / ' + questions.length);
Short form for user in browser address bar:
javascript:var questions=$('a.question-hyperlink');var countPunctuated=0;questions.each(function(){var str = $(this).html();if ( str.indexOf('?') > 0 ) countPunctuated++;});alert(countPunctuated + ' / ' + questions.length);
The fact that the question format is not being observed speaks to overall question quality, however, in some cases, there are actual questions lurking within the question description.
Proposed Solution:
To make it easier to spot pseudo-questions, you can use the following snippet to highlight suspect question titles:
Long form(doubles as a Greasemonkey userscript):
// ==UserScript==
// @name Highlight StackExchange non-question titles
// @description Highlight non-question subjects in listings
// @namespace
// @include http://**
// @require http://
// ==/UserScript==
var patternSubjective = /(good|bad|recommend)/ig;
var str = $(this).html();
if ( str.indexOf('?') <= 0 )
if ( patternSubjective.exec(str) )
Short form:
javascript:var patternSubjective = /(good|bad|recommend)/ig; $('a.question-hyperlink').each(function(){ var str = $(this).html(); if ( str.indexOf('?') <= 0 ) $(this).css('background-color','#FFCC00'); if ( patternSubjective.exec(str) ) $(this).css('color','#880000'); }); void(0);
I will be making an effort to triage highlighted questions I encounter: if an actual question exists in the description, I will edit the question title - otherwise I will vote the question down and comment to give the asker a chance to correct.
Alternative strategies to approach the issue of non-specific/low-quality questions welcome.
call prevents the script from redrawing thewindow.document
contents when using the short form in FireFox (in my experience) - not needed for long form though (+edit)