No doubt any technology forum has the problem of old answers being potentially incorrect or less useful with the passage of time (except SQL, ha-ha). ;-)
Seriously, though, I think that SEO answers in particular run the risk of being incorrect with the passage of time. Wouldn't it be helpful if we had a way to "red flag" an answer that had been correct, but is now incorrect due to a new Google algorithm (for example)?
It would be easy to pseudo-accommodate this with a tag, but I think that doesn't stand out enough and it's not what the tags are meant for.
To truly pull this off, you'd need some way to blanket the entire answer with a status flagging it, which would accomplish the following:
- warn users/readers the information is not correct (even though it might be the accepted answer)
- open the question up to new answers, hot-listing it, etc.
I'll admit, my suggestion sort of opens a can of worms. We are participating in a very open forum and it's sort of a given that the natural process already in place should cover this. However, largely due to SEO, it seems like we'd benefit by having a mechanism such as this.
What do you think?